You've probably heard the acronym NFT bandied around on the news, telegram chat or even in the office. You might know that primarily it is something to do with digital collectibles but how it works, what it really is and how it can be utilised in the future is a mystery, which makes it incredibly painful for you when one of your clients brings it up during a meeting. They want to know what all the fuss is about non-fungible tokens, and more importantly if it is an investment opportunity.
Hopefully, you've found this post before that conversation has taken place because Trustology's Founder & CEO, Alex Batlin, took the time to talk with Joe Pocock from TechFellows on the Tech Stack podcast where they discussed NFTs, covering everything you need to know about them right now. In this episode they cover:
- What NFTs are?
- Are they just for Digital Art?
- Are we heading towards mass adoption of NFTs?
- Trustology's role in custodying NFTs
- What does the future of the NFT space look like from a financial services perspective
Listen to the podcast now: