“There’s always a trade-off between the efficiencies of centralisation and the risk of a single point of failure.”
— Alex Batlin, CEO and Founder, Trustology
Crypto Mondays UK meetup welcomes Trustology CEO and Founder Alex Batlin as its key speaker this month discussing the merits of blockchain, decentralised finance and cryptoassets.
Title: Why the world needs DeFi
Synopsis: Cryptocurrencies and the blockchain technology on which they are based offer a number of advantages over conventional assets (especially in times of crisis), the most important of which is their decentralised nature. It is perhaps unsurprising, then, that Bitcoin, Ethereum and other crypto-assets are becoming more attractive to both individual and institutional investors across the globe. In this webinar, we explore modular finance and global liquidity pools and what that means to the end user be that an individual once we come out on the other side of self-isolation or institutional investor.
WHEN: 20 April 2020
WHERE: This meetup event has gone virtual
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